How to simply deal with the common small problems of metal stamping parts
1. Burrs mainly occur in the cutting die and the punching die, and the gap between the cutting edges or the small or small gap will produce burrs.
2. Due to the friction between the material and the punch or die, adhesion and scratches on the surface of the metal stamping part or die.
3. Convex and concave, foreign matter (iron filings, rubber, dust) mixed into the uncoiling line.
4. The punching size is too large or too small, and the punch size is different from the punch size.
5. When the workpiece is formed, press the first contact with the mold and form a line.
6. Twisting, due to uneven stress, poor matching of drawbeads or poor control of the press slider, the R angle of the part or the corner and strain of the embossed part are caused by twists and turns.
7. The strong pressure of the metal stamping parts on the material and the plastic deformation of the material will cause the size of the punching hole to increase, and when the strong pressure is reduced, the size of the punching hole will be smaller.
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